
With regard to the organisation chart of the Foundation, the Bishop of Mallorca exercises ecclesiastical authority, while the government, the representation, the administration and management of the Foundation are reserved for the Board of Trustees.

The governing bodies of the Foundation are:

  • The Board of Trustees: is the supreme governing authority of the Foundation.

  • The Permanent Commission: this is the executive body of the Foundation, delegated by the Board of Trustees.

  • Board of Directors.

Mrs. Magdalena Gomila
Director in Bisbe Verger, Escolania de Lluc and Sant Antoni Abat.
Sra. Mª Dolors García-Carpintero
Vicepresidenta Fundació Ramon Llull
Mn. Miquel Gual i Tortella
Vicepresident honorífic Fundació Ramon Llull
Sr. Joan Canyelles Vich
Sra. Carmen Luca de Tena Bethencourt
Sr. Jaume Munar Ribot
Sr. Miquel Noguera Estarellas
Sra. Rosa Reynés Trias
Mn. Eugeni Rodríguez Adrover
Sr. Raimundo Zaforteza Fortuny
Mr. Andreu Mir Gual
General manager
Mrs. Maria Inmaculada Paredes
Executive Secretary
Mr. Bartomeu Adrover
Director in La Immaculada, Monti-sion and Santa Maria.
Mr. Joan Moll
Director in Corpus Christi and Sant Josep Obrer I & II.
Mr. Francisco Cuesta Pérez
Director in Fra Joan Ballester and Sant Pere
Sra. Francisca Moreno Brunet
Directora de centres: Escolania de Lluc i Sant Antoni Abat
Sra. Virginia Figuerola
Directora de centres: Bisbe Verger i Santa Magdalena Sofia


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